The Logistics Operational Guide (LOG) is a publicly available resource for humanitarian logisticians. The information contained in the LOG is based on humanitarian logistics manuals, trainings and guidance sourced from a wide variety sources, including the community of humanitarian organisations, academia and the private sector. The majority of the contents of the LOG have been peer reviewed by experts in their respective fields, and draw upon years of experience from the humanitarian logistics community of practice.
This guide is meant to be an internationally accessible, multilingual tool that offers as detailed information as possible to humanitarian responders working in a logistics capacity, with particular emphasis on smaller or newer humanitarian organisations, or persons new to logistics as a practice. The LOG is meant to be a dynamic tool, and is continuously updated as new information becomes available, or as new contributions and insights come from our humanitarian partners.
If you or your organisation would like to suggest changes, fixes or updates, please contact us using the dedicated contact page.
The LOG is produced by the World Food Programme (WFP) lead Global Logistics Cluster.